Before you can start
accepting credit card payments online, you need to connect your website or shopping cart to your unique e-Path secure payment gateway system. This process is called 'integration'.
Your website or shopping cart will have its own way to collect your customers details such as their name, phone, delivery address, email etc, of which it will send you directly. Usually within the same action your website or shopping cart will send or redirect your customer to your secure e-Path payment page to make payment. After making payment your customer is automatically return back to your website.
It may sound a daunting process but in actual fact integrating e-Path is a reasonably simple affair, even for the non-technically minded.
e-Path will supply you with the unique address (URL) to your secure e-Path payment page upon registering you into the e-Path system. From there you only need to ensure each of the following seven parameters are sent with values to your e-Path system, (the
opt value can be left blank) they are:
ord = A unique order number
des = What the customer is buying or "Online Order" for brevity
amt = The amount the customer is paying and authorising you to charge
cur = The country currency code you will be charging the credit card in, eg, AUD, USD etc.
frq = The charge frequency (Once, monthly etc)
opt = Optional field value (this is an optional optional parameter, it may be left out)
ceml = Customer email address
ret = A return URL (the URL e-Path will send customer back to)
That's all there is to it, no complex server programs to install, no response codes to worry about, nothing more - everything that needs to exist is handled for you by your own e-Path gateway system.
Send those seven (or eight with the "optional" value) values to your unique secure e-Path gateway URL and you have successfully integrated your e-Path system into your website or shopping cart.
Want to try it out on your site? Sure:
Lets say you are located in the U.S. and want to use e-Path. Here we are simulating a site which has assigned values to the required parameters. You are about to "buy" a box or oranges and pay $25.00 USD.
<form action="" method="post" name="">
<input type="hidden" name="ord" value="131299" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="des" value="Box Of Oranges" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="amt" value="$25.00" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="cur" value="USD" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="frq" value="Once Only" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="Demo Only" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="ceml" value="" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="ret" value=""border="0">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Make Payment Now" border="0">
</form> |
And clicking on the following "Make Payment Now" button will show you exactly how e-Path handles the above code. This is a live demonstration/simulation so feel free to go ahead and make a "payment" to experience the real customer-side process in operation. Of course no credit cards are charged. For brevity, this demonstration/simulation is not under THAWTE SSL.
Now lets try this with your values:
Here we can see how things work by simulating your site sending to your gateway.
In this example we are only using the required parameter values needed by e-Path. Naturally you would be collecting more details like your customers name, physical address, phone number etc, all of which would be sent to you directly from your website.
If you can create a quick test return .php or .asp page and upload it to your hosting account you can enter it's URL in the "Return URL" field below and this demo will return straight back to it from the demo gateway.
If you would like to start to integrate e-Path to ensure things work prior to signing up, then please feel free to configure your website/shopping cart to send directly to the following demo URL ...
Although this is only a demonstration URL, it gives you access to a working simulated gateway. You will be experiencing exactly how your own unique secure e-Path payment system will perform, but of course you will not be receiving any payment alert notifications with this demonstration.
For further "live" demonstrations of how the e-Path system works in the real world, including live shopping cart examples, visit the e-Path demonstration website
The Fruit Box Shop.
Shopping Cart Payment Modules Available Free
Zen Cart and
oscommerce are two of the world's most popular online shopping cart software. These two powerful full-featured systems are free to download, install in to your hosting account and use.
Full-featured online store and back end management, thousands of templates, countless plug-in's and add-on's and very helpful user communities all contribute to keeping both Zen Cart and Oscommerce amongst the most popular shopping carts currently available.
The payment modules that enable you to use e-Path with your Zen Cart or Oscommerce shopping cart are available free of charge. They were developed by helpful members of the respective Zen Cart and OsCommerce communities and so it is our pleasure to distribute them here free of charge. We will even perform professional integration for you as a complimentary service. You only need ask us.
Please ensure your site has an SSL certificate as this will ensure no browser warnings get in the way of customers successfully being returned to your site after a payment authorisation has been made.
There are countless shopping carts available that enable you to use the new e-Path payment gateway, however, because of the sheer numbers we are unable to keep track of every one that has added e-Path payment gateway support in to their software.
Please consult with your shopping cart software developers/publishers to check whether they support e-Path. It will be highly likely they already do.
Integrate e-Path in to my website for me please!!

If you are wanting assistance in enabling your website or shopping cart to safely communicate to your exclusive e-Path payment gateway system then help is at hand. There are a number of highly qualified software integrators we can put you in contact with.
Email us directly at and we would be happy to onforward your request and contact details to integrators.