Introducing a new generation low cost method to safely and easily
accept online credit card payments from your website or
shopping cart and even via your email invoicing system without any on-going
payment gateway transaction fees or charges.
The e-Path secure communications channel
credit card payment gateway delivers a new and exciting system engineered from the ground up to help end, once and for all, many of the risks and high costs associated with
accepting credit cards online.
With e-Path there are...
e-Path is a private and secure communications channel manual
credit card payment gateway that provides the complete secure PCI compliant front-end environment (private and exclusive to each gateway client) that enables your customers to safely make a
credit card payment charge authorisation directly to you from the internet. e-Path is the secure communications "gateway", in the true meaning of the word, between your customer and you.
Being a
manual payment gateway means that when someone makes a payment, credit card details are entered by the business owner safely offline into their
merchant account facility to process the charge on the card, just like you would need to do if someone handed you their credit card card in person, you received credit card payments from over the phone, by fax machine or via postal mail order.
Online business owners now have full control over what is accepted and charged into their own private
merchant account facilities. No more risking things with blind transactions being performed straight away online without the business owners knowledge.
Although our low fixed yearly price and the absence of all ongoing gateway fees and charges is powering our appeal, it is in fact in the area of security where you as the business owner will benefit the most.
e-Path removes much of the core vulnerability and risks that have plagued the
online e-commerce industry and burdened online businesses with excessive costs ever since
e-commerce began. This bold initiative to re-engineer the system from scratch has resulted in not only a less costly alternative method to
accept credit card payments online but also one that delivers greatly improved levels of
security, protection and control for all parties involved in the process.
In a nutshell, here is exactly what using e-Path and manual offline processing of credit card payments received online from the internet can mean for ...
The Business Owner |
The Cardholder |
Banks (merchant accts) |
Credit Card Vendors |
This is the ideal service for any business owner who does not want the risks associated with all processes being performed on the open internet and does not want a system that will automatically and blindly attempt to charge credit card payments 'live' on the open internet - said to be the method used to perpetrate almost all online credit card fraud in the world today!
With e-Path the online business owner finally is in control over what orders are accepted and what credit cards are charged into their own private merchant account.
 A much less costly system.
 Easy to connect to. No special programs or server side configurations needed.
 No PCI compliance certification needed for your website because your website doesn't touch credit card data. Your secure e-Path gateway is PCI compliant which means your system is handling credit card data online in accordance with PCI requirements.
 Your merchant account is completely removed from the vulnerability of sitting open to everyone on the open internet. Gone are the days when anyone anywhere can attempt to transact any credit card they like 'live' into your merchant account without you knowing then you have to wear the cost of the loss down the track. That unacceptable risk ends with e-Path.
 If you have an existing EFTPOS terminal, virtual POS/Terminal or smartphone credit card charging app approved by your bank to allow card-not-present/non-face-to-face transactions to be charged through it (MOTO/MST approved), then you already have the means to safely charge credit cards, you will not need another merchant facility.
 You will be able to ensure your customers credit card details don't exist anywhere, either electronically or otherwise, after the transaction is performed. No other payment gateway allows you to do this.
e-Path delivers a new level of security and control for those businesses wanting to take control over what orders and credit card payments are accepted online.
 The overwhelming majority of credit card and identity data theft in the world today can be traced back to highly sensitive credit card and identity details being compromised when permanently stored online, in databases, storage systems, on networks and other types of similar systems.
Subsequently, astronomical amounts of money is spent each and every year in the continuing struggle, day after day, to protect permanently stored credit card details and highly confidential identity information from 'hackers' and 'cyber criminals' on the internet.
To the heartbreak of cardholders and online businesses all over the globe, 'hackers' and 'cyber criminals' are still managing to breach even the strongest of security defences ....
More than 100 million credit cards may have been compromised in data breach
Visa confirms another payment processor breach
Credit card breach exposes 40 million accounts
40M credit cards hacked
40 million credit cards exposed
Despite the well known and recognised risks the practice of permanently electronically storing credit card details, transaction data and highly sensitive identity information within their systems, usually without cardholders even knowing, remains a fundamental function of mostly all online credit card payment processing systems and many e-commerce websites still to this day.
Pause for a moment and ponder this question ... what would be the risk to highly sensitive cardholder and identity data if that data simply did not even exist?
That's exactly what e-Path achieves.
e-Path has been engineered to eliminate the need for credit card details, transaction information and highly sensitive identity details to be permanently and electronically stored by the payment processing system once and for all.
Once the official bank approved merchant facility owner is in receipt of their customers credit card charge authorisation, as far as e-Path and the internet is concerned it is as if that online payment never occurred in the first place. Nothing is permanently stored by e-Path on the internet. No names, no card numbers, no transaction history, no expiry dates. Nothing.
And if that wasn't enough to change things for the better, e-Path is the only payment gateway that absolutely guarantees its merchants can ensure their customers credit card details do not exist anywhere, electronically or otherwise, after the transaction has been performed.
Although this has seen us collide head-on with the industry's long time obsession to automate and keep all processes on the open internet, the fact is nobody needs to explain the watershed improvement in cardholder data security now achieved when credit card and identity details simply do not exist anywhere, electronically or otherwise, after the transaction is completed ...
... when cardholder data does not exist it can't possibly be stolen
and security becomes absolute!
When a bank provides a business owner with an offline MOTO (mail order telephone order) or MST (merchant submitted transaction) enabled credit card processing merchant facility to enable that business owner to safely charge credit card payments offline, the banks exposure to direct risk can be greatly reduced than when compared to if it were supplying an internet based merchant account facility sitting on the open internet and connected up to a third party 'live' online payment processing type system.
While card not present transactions remain the highest risk transaction type of all, the fact is an offline MOTO or MST credit card processing merchant facility will never allow credit card transactions to be performed live and blindly on the open internet without the merchant knowing - which is the method used to perpetrate almost the entirety of online credit card fraud in the world today.
When e-Path is the gateway, for the first time banks can now provide a credit card processing merchant facility service where the bank is absolutely guaranteed only the legitimate bank approved merchant facility owner is the only one performing the charge on the credit card.
 Fraudsters and cyber criminals are literally stopped in their tracks online. No longer will they have the means to automatically perpetrate fraud live on the internet at great cost and inconvenience to the cardholder, the merchant, their bank and the card vendor involved. This wide open door is shut permanently closed when e-Path and a MOTO/MST approved offline credit card processing merchant facility is used.
The end result of this is not only substantial potential cost savings for both the online business owner and the bank itself but they have also both effectively terminated, in one swift action, the very mechanism used to perpetrate the vast majority of online credit card fraud in the world today. An extremely appealing prospect for any bank serious about reducing e-commerce risks.
The bank will also be aware that with a MOTO/MST approved offline card processing merchant facility the business owner now has the unique opportunity to thoroughly check highly pertinent details about the buyer and order prior to deciding to charge the card. This means the business owner has the opportunity to identify and terminate any fraudulent payment attempts prior to them doing any harm - again, something that is not possible when accepting credit cards online 'live' on the internet via a third party 'real time' transaction processing gateway system connected to an internet only based merchant account facility.
The fact that banks can now supply card processing merchant facilities that will only allow approved merchant account owner access to charge credit cards safely offine as opposed to allowing full and open anonymous access from anyone anywhere on the internet represents a watershed achievement in terminating the number one main method used by fraudsters and cyber criminals to actually perpetrate fraud online.
We of course can not speak on behalf of card vendor companies, but the fact they can now supply their credit card product to consumers to engage in online e-commerce knowing their product will no longer be electronically permanently stored by the payment gateway or in internet connected databases, shopping carts, storage device or networks, we assume, must be considered as an extremely tangible positive.
Of all the resent security breaches, if we take into consideration just the one where 40 million credit card were compromised, then the cost to actual card vendors just to physically replace those credit cards would be around 400 million dollars. It is reported that it costs card vendors roughly around $10.00 to physically replace a stolen credit card with a new one.
Think about that for a moment ... that equates to a 400 million dollar cost just only on replacing the stolen credit cards alone, not even taking into account the cost of the losses to businesses all over the world that only this one breach resulted in.
Yet, had e-Path been the credit card payment gateway not a single credit card would have been permanently stored anywhere online in the first place, therefore, not a single credit card could have possibly been stolen. You can't thieve something that doesn't exist.
We do not want to infer or imply card vendors have a particular attitude or view towards the new e-Path service one way of the other, however, we can safely assume there would have been some serious 'back patting' going on had they been saved from having to spend 400 million dollars, not to mention the incalculable cost that also could have been saved that was incurred by every business around the world that supplied products or services purchased with those stolen credit cards.

What was always the exclusive domain of costly third party 'middles-man' payment processors is no longer. Banks in Australia and all over the world are now getting serious about providing highly secure credit card payment processing solutions directly to merchants via Smartphone apps and online virtual terminal sites for tablet PC's, iPads, laptops and the humble desktop computer systems.
These solutions enable the business owner to have control over what they charge in to their own merchant accounts. With such a service approved for MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order)/MST (Merchant Submitted Transactions), you can enter the card details received via various card no present means.
Bank supplied virtual terminal/virtual POS/merchant apps payment processing services in some cases can be considerably cheaper than if you had an external third party payment processing 'middle-man' provider added to the equation.
To learn about these new merchant facilities :
Virtual Terminal Merchant Facilities

For those with an existing EFTPOS terminal then you will need to make sure your bank approves you to accept and process through it payments received via card-not-present or non-face-to-face methods. This is usually referred to as being a MOTO or MST approved merchant.
Utilising an existing EFTPOS terminal to charge received payments negates the need for another costly internet based merchant account facility altogether and you win back control over what you accept online and what credit cards are charged.
For those businesses without a method to process a charge on a credit card you will need to obtain a credit card processing merchant facility service from a bank.
The newer breed of these facilities, usually referred to as 'Virtual Terminal' or 'Virtual POS' facilities, will give you a secure bank hosted page/service to go to on your Smartphone, iPad, Tablet PC, Notepad or desktop computer that enables you to process a charge on a credit card yourself, no costly middle-man!!
Newer technology is enabling banks to provide this type of functionality on Smartphones via bank created and approved Smatphone apps. This is new technology so please check with your bank about the availability of these types of apps for your Smartphone.
The tangible advantage of these types of merchant account facilities is they are relatively inexpensive and absolutely guarantee you remain totally in control of what credit cards are charged into your own merchant account facility.
No more risking it with blind e-commerce transactions processed 'live' and instantly on the open internet by anonymous individuals and into your account without you knowing!
To learn more about merchant account requirements, see:
Merchant Accounts Requirements